AAMSA The Asian Association of Management Science and Applications
The Asian Association of
Management Science and Applications

ACMSA 2023


  • Submissions must be in English. We accept
    (1) full papers (exceeding 4 pages)
    (2) short papers (within 4 pages)
    (3) abstract (presentation only)
    to attend the conference. All papers should be prepared following the requirements in the templates.
  • Full papers presented at the conference are eligible for Best Papers Award and/or Young Scientist Prize (for student).
  • ACMSA2023 offers two options for paper submission and publication at the same registration rate:
    (1) full/short papers will be reviewed for presentation at the conference, and further reviewed for possible publication in Springer’s book series Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering which will be delivered for EI indexing (whether the reviewed paper will be published depends on the authors). Papers not accepted by Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (i.e., out of scope) will be included in the post-conference proceedings by AAMSA. 
    (2) abstracts (presentation only) will be reviewed for presentation and included in the abstract book without publishing in the conference proceedings.

    For full/short paper authors, please read the following note when submitting your contribution.

    • The length of the accepted paper by Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering is limited to a maximum of 6 pages. Extra pages will be charged for 30USD/page. We will further contact the corresponding author concerning the payment method.
    • The camera-ready version of accepted papers following ACMSA2023 templates should be submitted via EasyChair system by October 25, 2023.
    • Please download the Publishing Agreement below, complete it and submit the scanned version to info@aamsa.org by October 25, 2023. The email should be titled as “Publishing Agreement _ Paper ID _ Author Name”.
    • The authors should obtain permission to use third-party material in the manuscript by visiting the Rights Holder website or Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace. If the material is not found, please exert your best efforts to use the Permissions Request Form and/or Release Request Form below (to obtain permission from interviewees or other identifiable individuals or the owners of identifiable property in source material) for your request. If the rights-holder issues their own form, please ensure that the document they provide includes all Required Rights listed in the “Guide to Obtaining Permissions” section in Springer Nature Third Party Permissions Guidelines.
  • Journal publication: the selected papers will be recommended for publication in the official journal of AAMSA. Good papers will also be recommended to Innovation and Supply Chain Management (ISCM), Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association and Journal of the Japan Association for Management Systems.
  • Information for Authors of Springer,

    Please be advised that there are some essential points to consider for your submissions:

    1. Language Fluency: Ensure that your paper is written in fluent English to facilitate understanding and readability.

    2. Clear Figures and Tables: The figures and tables within your paper should be presented clearly, aiding in the comprehension of your content.

    3. Adequate References: Include a minimum of 10 references in your paper to support your research and provide additional context.

    4. Topics: About the topics in the sprinter series included, please check https://www.springer.com/series/11236

    For more detailed guidelines, please refer to the Springer Conference Proceedings Guidelines.


Template files


Publication related files

Publishing Agreement
Permissions Request Form
Release Request Form

Online paper submission (EasyChair system)

  • Please submit your paper via EasyChair system.
  • If you have registered with EasyChair system in any conference, you may use the same ID and Password to Log In.
  • If you have not registered with EasyChair system before, click [Create an account] and follow the instructions shown on the screen.